A Retreat for Unemployed Persons: Gift of Hope – A Time of Transition



Calgary, Canada

At this time in history, a significant number of people are without work.

During this retreat our intent is to journey side by side, offering hope and long term perspective, by providing opportunities for deep listening, creating a setting that allows those who attend this retreat to name their experience and recognize that they are not alone.

A loss of job and income can bring with it feelings of desperation. Our message is not to give up and become overwhelmed with the pain, loss and chaos. Reaching out for help and support of others, as well as sharing experiences can be a shining light in the midst of struggle. Stay Connected!

Are you unemployed? Loss of employment can be trying to our souls, our emotional balance, not just our financial health. Struggling for a sense of hope, in the midst of disappointment, is an arduous task.

Come to the FCJ Centre for some personal space.

This retreat is not a job-finding but a heart-helping retreat of hope!


Where: FCJ Christian Life Centre, Calgary
When: March 14, 5pm (Supper included) to March 15, 5pm
Facilitators: Sr. Ger Curran, fcJ and Ms. Mirna Farahat
Cost: This program is sponsored by FCJ Sisters, the FCJ Christian Life Centre, and generous contributions from our donors.
More info and registration: visit their website, contact at +1 403.228.4215 or email at info @ fcjcentre.ca


Sr. Ger Curran fcJ is from Ireland. She joined the FCJ Christian Life Centre Calgary resource team in the fall of 2015. Ger has worked as a counsellor for thepast 30 years in various settings. Before that she served as schooladministrator and teacher in a high school in Ireland. She is a member ofthe Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. Beforequalifying as an accredited Counsellor, Ger completed a master’s degreein Family Counselling from the University of Iona, New York. Since comingto Canada Ger is working in the areas, of counselling, interfaith mattersand helping refugee families. She is a member of Calgary InterfaithCouncil and Calgary Council of Christian and Jews

Mirna Farahat was born in Jordan and lived in several countries in the Middle East. She has moved from Egypt in 2012. She is currently an Independent Finance Consultant for an energy company in Calgary. Mirna has worked for one of the leading energy companies and has taken regional and global roles throughout her career. She has over 25 years of experience in the energy sector and is specialized in strategy, planning & portfolio, capital allocation, decision and risk analysis, growth and economics.

Photo via Good Free Photos

More info and registration