The Womb of God: Inspired by Psalm 23

A prayerful reflection by Sr Michelle, fcJ,
first appeared in the Weaving One Heart: Contemporary FCJ Voices blog

God is the Womb of all that I am
She is extravagantly generous and attentive
In Her loving and warm embrace I know that I am cherished and sacred to Her
She invites me ever deeper into the mysteries of Her Love

In my most painful experiences
I remember that I am cradled within You
You envelop me, wholly

Your response to my selfishness and fears is to bless me,
Showering me with gifts of the earth and spirit
I have so much more than I could ever hope for or need
I am overcome

As I continue on this life journey
I give thanks that I am cared for so tenderly in the Womb of God


Read Michelle’s vocation story or some of her contributions in the FCJ website. Take a look at the Weaving One Heart: Contemporary FCJ Voices blog.