Jackfruit: A Sign of Companionship and Generosity

Sister Cecilia with Jackfruit

Submitted by the FCJ Community in Yangon, Myanmar

We had another surprise in our community recently. During an afternoon routine, sweeping falling leaves in our front yard, we heard hands clapping from our close neighbour’s house signaling an urgent response. Aunty Nan, our neighbour, wanted to share some of the fruits from her garden. After a little chat looking up at the second-floor window where she was standing, we agreed to meet outside the gate.

Surprisingly, she handed us a huge jackfruit which she picked from her garden. A lesson from this jackfruit came to mind as we brought the fruit home: it is hard and rough outside, but it is soft, sweet and juicy inside. And so in life, we have these opposing realities: we experience hard times as well as enjoy sweet moments where we are called to accept and share.

The jackfruit weighed 9 kilograms and was fitted in three plastic containers. Too much for us, so we quickly shared it with another neighbour who gladly received the sweet jackfruit. What a lovely surprise it was, which we believe as God’s sign of companionship and generosity.


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