
Signs of Growth

A reflection by Sr Lynne, fcJ, first appeared at FCJ Sisters Blog

For the last two years (almost) many of us have become familiar with working from home. We have set up routines and habits to compensate for the change to our working day. One routine I have enjoyed is my ‘morning commute’! Many mornings (and I have to admit this is somewhat weather dependent), I set off at 8am to do a commute walk to work. 50 minutes later after a beautiful circular walk I am back at home and ready to sit down at the desk and get the day started.

SnowdropsOf course, during the late autumn and into winter the walk has been quite dark and damp, and I have had to push myself to go out, but what I have noticed is the beauty of the dark morning and damp earth. My commute takes me through a park, and morning by morning I see the changes of nature as leaves fall, frost comes, new soil begins to form… and this week, pushing up through the frozen ground there are snowdrops -an assurance of spring even in the depths of winter. A promise that there is new growth taking place in the darkness.

These signs of growth are a welcome symbol of hope for me. The year turns, life continues with its ups and downs, and beauty appears in unexpected places.