The closing day of the retreat in preparation for the FCJ General Chapter, 12th October, began with the joyful celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit. The sisters who are members of the 2019 Chapter had a formal entrance procession as we sang with full heart Veni Sancte Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit). We invited the spirit to be part of every aspect of the Chapter, calling us to greater life in our union as one body.
All the capitulars were present, as well as FCJ Sisters from Calgary and Edmonton. The celebrant, Fr Peter Bisson SJ, encouraged us to free the graces of the retreat and the power of the Spirit, as we accept the invitation to be partners with God. Watch the following video clip for Fr Peter’s homily.
In the words of the closing hymn we prayed,
Give us hearts that see
Set our loving free
Hear us and help us, O Lord …
Give us love’s own fire
Be our true desire
Send us your Spirit, O Lord
(from Send us your Spirit by Dan Schutte)
You can watch the whole Mass of the Holy Spirit here.
After the Eucharist, the delegates gathered for a social in the library of FCJ Christian Life Centre, the venue for this Chapter. This was the first opportunity for many of the delegates to spend time together.
More on our General Chapter on the Chapter News page and on social media #FCJChapter2019.