Women’s Month Celebration

Women’s Month is always celebrated in style at the FCJ Learning and Development Center. Very many of the people who participate in the Center’s programs are women and they are the heart of their families and of the wider community. Often their lives are far from easy, but in spite of financial difficulties and few educational opportunities they strive to create a better future for their families with courage and ingenuity.

The Center had a delightful celebration on 23rd March with games and presentations from various groups of women including sketches that highlighted the inequalities between men and women that still exist in 2024, all done with great humour. Near the end of the meeting one of the staff who has a lovely voice led the singing of I will survive and it was clear from the enthusiasm of the participants as they joined in, that many, if not most of them, are indeed survivors. They are inspiring women who in their own way consistently work for change in society at grassroots level.

The program ended with everyone dancing to the theme song of One Billion Rising, the world-wide campaign to end violence against women. We look forward to the day when inequality and violence towards women will be a thing of the past. Until then we continue to work for change, to celebrate the contribution of women and to enjoy just being together singing and dancing!

The FCJ Center is a non-profit, non-government organization, established in 2002 by the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus. It offers an integrated community development program to communities in Barangays Bagong Silangan and Payatas, Quezon City, Philippines. Follow the FCJ Learning and Development Center on facebook.