International Reading Group



Liverpool, Inghilterra

This is an online event. Please contact FCJ Centre St Hugh’s for the link.

Join our international reading group. Looking at current thinking in the Christian churches, ecology, spirituality, theology… Every Friday at 4pm (UK Time)
No need to attend every week.

From Friday 13 September we are reading the Listening Together by Timothy Radcliffe. Each week there will be discussion and sharing of thoughts around a chapter or section.

No need to come every week, just join when you can. To join please email fcjcentresthughs @ to receive the link.

  • One hour weekly looking at a chapter each week
  • Five minutes recap of chapter, followed by 35minutes discussion then short plenary.

If you haven’t done this sort of reading with a group before give it a go!!

Previous books
Universal Synod’s Synthesis Report – XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Questioning God – Lukasz Popko OP and Timothy Radcliffe OP
Laudate Deum – Pope Francis
Resting on the Future: Catholic Theology for an Unfinished Universe – John F. Haught
A gift of Joy and Hope – Pope Francis
Love the Stranger – Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales
The Meal that Reconnects – Mary McGann RSCJ
Care for Creation: A Franciscan Spirituality of the Earth – Ilia Delio OSF
Desiderio Desideravi – Pope Francis
Abounding in Kindness – E Johnson
Who do you choose to be – M Wheatley
Laudato Si – Pope Francis
Caritas in Veritate – Pope Benedict
Let us Dream – Pope Francis
Fratelli Tutti – Pope Francis

To join please email fcjcentresthughs @ to receive the link.


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