Discovering Your Vocation
Are you wondering where God is calling you in your life?
Are you wondering where God is calling you in your life?
As Faithful Companions of Jesus we experience God calling to us through the everyday events of our lives and our world. We desire to be sent with Jesus, and to accompany him with loving fidelity. In a world often torn apart by violence and poverty we offer our whole selves for whatever God is asking of us.
FCJ Sisters make three vows:
Poverty – the freedom to Give
We share all things in common, recognising the human and ecological impact of the drive for ownership and possession.
Chastity – the freedom to love
Offering our whole heart to God through this vow, we seek to love all people.
Obedience – the freedom to live
This vow calls us to attentive listening to God’s will, inviting others into our lives and decisions.
Here are some stories of how FCJ sisters discovered their vocation to religious life, their vocation to become a Faithful Companions of Jesus: