Creator God, We Thank You for This Day

FCJ Sisters and Companions in Mission celebrate 21 September as Marie Madeleine d’Houët’s birthday and as International Companions in Mission day. In various places of the world Companions in Mission made or renewed their commitment. Here is a reflection from the London Southeast group 

As I sit here on the ‘morning after the day before’, It looks as if it’s going to be a grey, dismal, drizzly kind of day…. But then my thoughts are drawn to what happened ‘the day before’…

After days, weeks and months of preparation, the London Southeast CiM group gathered in the chapel at the FCJ Spirituality Centre in Somers Town to commit and recommit as FCJ Companions in Mission. We were joined by friends and family and and the FCJ communities from Somers Town and Poplar.

We all contributed to the liturgy, which reflected what it means to us to be Companions in Mission. Throughout, we were reminded that seeking God in our everyday lives would not be without its challenges.

We were also mindful that it was Marie Madeleine’s birthday and International Companions in Mission Day, so we prayed in thanksgiving for the many gifts and graces given to Marie Madeleine and shared with her Sisters and Companions in Mission everywhere. We remembered, especially, those CiM committing and recommitting alongside us and in the coming days and weeks.

We completed our celebrations with a shared meal after reading the many greetings, good wishes, and prayers from FCJ and CiM from all corners of the globe.

Harriet, from Poplar, makes her first commitment

In turn, we would like to say …

… thank you to all FCJ sisters and CiM for preparing today’s ceremony. It was such a wonderful and moving ceremony. … thanks for all your prayers. – Harriet, CiM

… it was a wonderful ceremony, and the sharing of the meal afterwards was so special. – Anne, CiM

… it was a wonderful celebration, full of joy and happiness. … thanks to everyone for making it so special. – Sue, CiM

… a wonderful celebration of our companionship. … thanks to all for all the thought and work that went into this memorable day. – Maureen, CiM

… I feel overjoyed and humbled to be included in the FCJ Family. I am grateful to you all. – Charm, CiM

… it was a very uplifting day. God is good! – Lucia, CiM

Send forth your Spirit on the Faithful Companions of Jesus and Companions in Mission throughout the world and draw us all together in the spirit of your love. Amen

From the Companions in Mission prayer