
La nostra storia
La nostra missione è unica, ma i nostri ministeri sono diversi – espressione contemporanea della visione e ispirazione di Marie Madeleine.
Our history gives us an enriched sense of the gift we carry into the future
Knowledge of the history of the Faithful Companions of Jesus gives to members of the Society, and to or friends and associates, a sense of the heritage that is ours. It can broaden our vision; it can help us understand more fully the present and hopefully give us an enriched sense of the gift we carry into the future.
We hope that by exploring our history you can come to a more profound appreciation of the mystery of God’s faithfulness throughout our history and therefore be filled with hope that God will carry forward what he has begun for his service and praise and for the aid of his people (FCJ Constitutions 351).
Esplora la nostra storia
Hovering above the history of any religious congregation is the spirit which, from the beginning, has animated its members and continues to do so.
Hovering above the history of any religious congregation is the spirit which, from the beginning, has animated its members and continues to do so. For the Faithful Companions of Jesus that spirit has many manifestations. It is a spirit that stresses contemplation in the midst of apostolic activity. It is a spirit of gentleness and faithfulness. It values tradition and continuity. The Ignatian Constitutions, which Marie Madeleine so strongly desired for the Society she founded, articulate a centralised model of government which requires obedience. From the very beginning of the Society, what was called the ‘spirit of faith’, shown in obedience and respect for authority, was encouraged in the members and valued by them. Obedience, as it is commonly understood and lived by the sisters, is not an inflexible means of achieving efficiency but arises from a desire to seek the common good and is closely linked to the ideal of service through mission: the sisters’ readiness to be sent anywhere for the kingdom of God.
In addition, a strong spirit of companionship, which creates union of minds and hearts not only among the sisters themselves but also among those with whom we live and work, is and always has been evident in those whose calling is encapsulated in their title, Faithful Companions of Jesus.
This spirit, this gift from God, our charism, has been alive throughout our history.
Take a look at an overview of our history below, or explore the history of each of our Areas: Americas, Asia-Australia, and Europe.