Cemara Berkah Solidarity During the Pandemic

Solidarity during the pandemic

Submitted Sr Narni fcJ, from the Yogyakarta community

In this time of pandemic many people are having financial difficulties and we are discovering many ways to help people in need. We support a program in our Basic Community called Cemara Berkah for families affected by the pandemic. (The meaning of cemara in English is ‘pine tree’ and berkah is ‘blessing’). Every Tuesday and Thursday people hang foodstuff – rice, eggs, noodles, … – on a structure with the shape of a palm tree located in the centre of our village. The location is strategic as people who pass by can see and get it easily.

Solidarity during the pandemicPeople who are poor and in need are free to take food from that place. On the other hand, people who want to add or give foodstuff have the opportunity to do it. We share this blessing through our simple action as a part of our solidarity with our neighbours, and give thanks for this movement of generosity during a hard time for all.