A few months ago we published a post about St Philomena School in Portsmouth, USA: Today We are Planting Daffodils, marking the beginning of the school’s celebration of the Bicentenary of the FCJ Society 1820-2020. Every student and teacher was sent home with a daffodil bulb to plant in their home garden and a message:

During this very special year long celebration, we pause and give thanks to God for all the blessings bestowed upon our school through the many Sisters FCJ who have sacrificed dearly and loved deeply. We pray that the flowers we plant this fall will bloom in the spring to remind us of new life and the beauty of God’s creation.
Please plant this daffodil bulb as a symbol of solidarity with the Sisters, FCJ as they celebrate 200 years! St. Philomena students have pledged to support our Sisters in their efforts to help the environment. Please remember to : Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! In April, give thanks for our Sisters, the Faithful Companions of Jesus!
Now the daffodils have bloomed and on the occasion of 30th March, 200th anniversary of the foundation of the FCJ Society, Jen, a member of the school community and FCJ Companion in Mission, writes:
Happy 200th birthday to my FCJ friends! St Philomena School planted the daffodil bulbs in lieu of a tree last fall when we « kicked off » the Bicentenary year. They bloomed! Each family received a bulb and were asked to say a prayer of gratitude for the FCJs when their bulb bloomed sometime this spring! It’s a crazy time…there is no one at school… Teachers are Zooming into family homes and adapting to their new reality. I know Marie Madeleine would be so proud! My love and gratitude to all of you!
Jen, Companion in Mission
Follow celebrations across the world on the Bicentenary News page and on social media #FCJ200.
Read more on the history the presence of the FCJ Sisters in the Diocese of Providence.