Beauty of God

A poem by Sr Susan, from the Rhode Island FCJ community

Beauty of God, pregnant with love,
Uniting heaven and earth as one.
Breathing new life into the whole of creation,
Bursting forth into a glorious sunrise,
Shedding rays of light on paths unknown.
You are welcome, beauty nods,
I am with you on the journey.
Take time to linger, to delight.
Enter into beauty, enter into love, enter into God.

Beauty of God pregnant with hope,
Leaving behind empty tombs
Setting out anew on roads less traveled,
Risking the journey with Spirit-filled trust.
Stay with me, she whispers.
You are invincible as the majestic ocean,
Wild and free as the daffodils in springtime
Take time to be, to feel my heartbeat.
Enter into beauty, enter into hope, enter into God.

Beauty of God pregnant with joy.
Look around you.
The wind is whistling Alleluia, Alleluia.
The trees are donning their Easter attire.
Displaying an array of color in their leafy branches.
Rejoice and dance for joy, they hum.
Jesus is alive and appears among us.
Open all your senses to fresh encounters.
Enter into beauty, enter into joy, enter into God.

Beauty of God pregnant with music.
The birds are fine tuning their diverse voices
In preparation for a grand Pentecost.
Gather around they chime and join in the chorus.
Christ is rising up within you
and within the whole of creation.
Feel the sheer delight of burning hearts.
Enter into beauty, enter into music, enter into God.

Beauty of God, pregnant with peace.
Calming the outer and inner spirit,
Walking together in companionship,
Sharing stories, laughter, and tears.
Come, let’s embrace the whole of life she chants.
Weaving blessings and shadows in one tapestry.
Be not afraid of fears and sorrows.
They are graced mentors for clearer vision.
Offering wisdom, compassion and transformation.
Extend a handshake of peace to God’s universal family.
For God is truly Mother and Father for all.
Enter into beauty, enter into peace, enter into God.
The whole of creation is singing God’s praise.


Photos from Adobe Stock.