Bicentenario FCJ 1820 – 2020

Bicentenario FCJ 1820 – 2020
Bicentenario FCJ 1820 - 2020
Noi suore Fedeli Compagne di Gesù sciamo state fondate in Francia nel 1820. Con gratitudine e gioia per la fedeltà di Dio diamo inizio alle celebrazioni per il Bicentenario che avrà inizio il 21 settembre 2019 e si concluderà con la Festa di Cristo Re in novembre 2020.
A Torino il 21 settembre daremo inizio alle celebrazioni con una camminata itinerante sui primi passi della fondatrice in Italia.
There will be a host of events to celebrate this Bicentenary Year:
- A Day of Kindness to launch the Bicentenary Year of Celebration.
- Planting trees around the world. The sisters in Europe have committed to planting 10 trees for each community group in the bicentenary year.
- The staging of a theatre production based on the life of Marie Madeleine and the expansion of the Society she founded; the play has been commissioned from Rise Theatre and will be performed in the UK, Ireland and other English-speaking locations where FCJs and their Companions in Mission live and work.
- Various internal celebrations in FCJ Schools and Spirituality Centres.
- Local radio interviews and presentations in different parts of the world.
- A commemorative painting is in preparation and will be published online.
- A new song will be composed for use in FCJ schools and in parishes where FCJs and their Companions in Mission live and work.
- Liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations in the locations where FCJ sisters live or have ministered in the past.
- New materials on the Foundress and the history of the Faithful Companions of Jesus have been made available.
- Unpublished material from FCJ archives will be available online.
Follow our celebration on the Bicentenary News page and on social media #FCJ200.
May the celebrations be a source of new life and strengthened hope.