A Lantern of Love

A reflection by Sr Lynne fcJ from FCJ Centre St Hugh’s, in Liverpool, first appeared in the FCJ Sisters Blog

Sometimes in this troubled world of ours, we forget love is all around us. We imagine the worst of other people and withdraw into our own shells.
But try this simple test: Stand still in any crowded place and watch the people around you. Within a very short time, you will begin to see love, and you will see it over and over and over.
A young mother talking to her child, a couple laughing together as they walk by, an older man holding the door for a stranger—small signs of love are everywhere. The more you look, the more you will see.
Love is literally everywhere. We are surrounded by love. The instinct to care is still within us—all of us—so much so that you can see it clearly just by standing still.
(The Ladder of Light, Steven Charleston)

At a recent meeting we began with a prayer which included this piece from Steven Charleston. It was a good reminder at a busy time of the year, but even more important when we can find ourselves so totally overwhelmed by the sadness and suffering we see on the news and experience in the lives of those we care about.

Since the meeting I have deliberately paused to look a number of times… and it is just so true – we encounter goodness and love all the time. It surrounds us and we simply need eyes and hearts open to see and experience it.

A simple story… On Monday I was rushing to complete a number of deliveries to local families in need, I had a ‘to do’ list as long as my arm and I was full of a cold and felt terrible, so all sorts of things were irritating me and going wrong. We packed up the car, lifting heavy items, then, when I turned the key to start the car… NOTHING. You know what its like… I was sure the universe was conspiring against me!

Then I stopped.

Another Sister made me a cup of tea. The breakdown services arrived, got the car started and offered to escort me to the garage. The garage ‘fit me in’ and promised to fix the car by the next day. And the young man from the breakdown company gave me a bottle of wine because he had never spoken to a nun before and thought it was great.

I know its a simple example, but isn’t that just the the point. Love, kindness, appreciation, care and concern surround us. May those who don’t feel that love in their life, encounter it in surprising ways through others around them today.