Celebrating Life as Faithful Companions of Jesus

September 8, 2024 marked the anniversary of the first vows Sr Imelda, a member of the FCJ community in Turin. Her first vows were taken in our former chapel in Via Lanfranchi. Some of the other members of the community were young girls or young pre-postulants at the time and participated with curiosity and also lively interest in the Religious Profession of Imelda who had not yet turned 19 and of Bernardetta who became a novice at 17.

At that solemn Eucharistic celebration, in the beautiful convent chapel, all decorated with flowers, they gathered in the presence of friends and acquaintances as well as the relatives of Imelda and of Sr. Bernardetta all coming from the same town in the Veneto.

Both the celebration and the whole day were truly unforgettable for the joy and spirit of friendship that animated everyone there.

This year the community wanted to live this anniversary by immersing themselves in our FCJ spirituality. They gathered together in chapel on Saturday morning: eight FCJ sisters from the San Mauro and Turin communities. The joy of gathering together in front of the altar beautifully decorated with flowers and symbols invited them to open their hearts to praise and thank the Lord for all that He does for us.

Sr. Maria Teresa guided a reflection on the writings of Marie Madeleine and the sisters shared their experience of life in the company of Jesus, of being faithful companions on mission. During the prayer they again offered their lives to the Lord as they renewed vows together, acknowledging that we never stop being on mission, and that we can continue to be „branches that bear fruit” making our life a continuous prayer, through our interior availability, following the example of the „YES” of the Virgin Mary.

The moment of spirituality was followed by a festive lunch and, around the table laden with succulent food, they happily shared and celebrated together.