News from FCJ Spirituality House at Spanish Point

FCJ Spirituality Centre, Spanish Point

Work is being completed at our FCJ Spirituality House – Teach Spioradálta in the beautiful Spanish Point, County Clare in Ireland. Staff are looking forward to welcome participants for residential retreats again. The full list of retreats and workshops for 2023 is on their website. Here is the latest newsletter. 


FCJ Spirituality Centre, Spanish Point

Across the Waves

A chara,

Welcome to November – winter ushers in, and with it, comes time to reflect, to rest, and to heal.

On this first day of November we enter into a week of remembrance and prayer for those who have gone on ahead of us. Join us in person for a service of remembrance on Wednesday evening at 7.

We are just completing a very successful Community Development program called Training for Transformation with Liz Price and Elaine D’Alton. It was wonderful to welcome people from Kilrush, Lisdoonvarna, Miltown Malbay and Ennis as we learnt new skills and put them into practice with exciting plans.
We have also a lovely group coming along to Tuesday night’s meditation and book club and to Thursday night’s Song Circle and Movie Nights. All are welcome to join us as we move into the dark nights of winter.

We notice that people are starting to book places on the spring retreat weekends. As we complete the work on the house here, we look forward to welcoming everyone here for residential retreats – from Centering Prayer to Creative Writing, and from Lenten Retreat (Recognising Manna) to Directed retreat! Please do remember that we will only be able to offer 10 – 12 places on any weekend so booking ahead is essential. See for details.

Thanks again for all the prayers, notes and support – it really carries the work here
Please do keep in touch

God bless
Nóirin Lynch


The FCJ Spirituality House, Teach Spiorodálta, is a home and spiritual haven of the FCJ Sisters, who have come to Spanish Point for generations for spiritual nourishment and refreshment. Now we would like to share our home with the wider community through spiritual moments, enjoyment of the natural beauty of creation, and the lifting of spirits with music, art and poetry.

Please see the events page for current listings. You can contact the House at info @ or by phone at +353 87 447 9115 with any questions.