Upton School Named Outstanding

Upton Hall School headteacher Andrea Gaunt celebrates the school’s ‘outstanding’ status with students

Congratulations to Upton Hall School FCJ, which has been named „Outstanding in all areas“ in the most recent Ofsted Section 5 inspection. Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills of the UK government. When Ofsted come into schools, they judge every element of school life under 5 categories. They then come to a conclusion on the overall effectiveness of the school.  We are thrilled to be able to share the news that they have been awarded outstanding in all areas and therefore our overall effectiveness was also ‚outstanding‘.

Of over 1400 schools to receive a section 5 inspection last year, only 22 achieved this judgement. Upton was the only North West school. Well done!

Read more about the inspection and report at Upton’s website.