The Companionship of Trees

Submitted by Sr Clare, fcJ, writing from Ireland

In recent weeks I have found myself taking greater notice of trees than I usually do. At the beginning of September, I was required to ‘self-isolate’ in a hotel room for seven days due to Covid travel restrictions. The hotel I was staying in was located very close to the airport and was thus situated in an urban environment. Imagine my delight to discover a beautiful tree facing me when I looked out of my window. Even though the tree was not in a place to which I had access, and it was too far away for me to identify it, I was so pleased that I had a clear view of it. I made the most of that view from my window during my time of solitude. I saw some of the leaves begin to change colour during the course of the week as Autumn gently began to make its presence felt.

Once I was free to leave my place of isolation I travelled to An Tairseach in Wicklow, Ireland, to take part in a nine-week sabbatical programme. What a joy to look out of my window and see a beautiful Lime tree facing me. I have enjoyed the company of this beautiful tree for several weeks now and it is so very lovely to gaze at it at different points each day. How lovely to see it in the early morning and as the day draws to a close. The Irish Sea is beautiful in the background. I am fortunate that this time, I am able to walk out and look closely at the tree, to watch it change and to draw my feet through the fallen leaves.

Trees make magnificent companions, how lovely to make their acquaintance in recent weeks.