Quiénes somos
Las Feles Compañeras de Jesús formamos una Sociedad internacional de hermanas católicas repartida por Asia, Australia, Europa y las Américas.
Somos un cuerpo comprometido a vivir nuestro carisma de compañerismo fiel con Jesús.
Las Fieles Compañeras de Jesús somos una Sociedad internacional de hermanas católicas que vivimos en Asia, Australia, Europa y las Américas. Estamos organizadas en Provincias y somos un cuerpo comprometido a vivir nuestro carisma de compañerismo fiel con Jesús. Nuestra diversidad cultural e internacionalidad nos enriquecen, mujeres de resurrección celebrando al Cristo Resucitado. Somos mujeres ignacianas; buscamos hallar a Dios en todas las cosas y encontramos nuestra alegría en ser enviadas en misión.
Desde 1993 un grupo de hombres y mujeres, también repartidos por todo el mundo, han optado por un compromiso formal de vivir nuestro carisma de compañerismo fiel con Jesús. Son los Compañer@s en Misión.
Una sola misión nos une, pero nuestros apostolados son diversos – expresiones contemporáneas de la visión e inspiración de Marie Madeleine. Parte de nuestro apostolado se realiza a través de nuestras obras corporativas Instituciones y Escuelas FCJ, en distintos lugares del mundo. El éxito de estas obras depende del compromiso de nuestros colaboradores laicos.
Creciendo juntas, tratamos de hacer que la presencia de Dios sea conocida y amada en nuestro mundo.
Explora Quiénes Somos
Conoce a algunas hermanas FCJ

Cornelia, fcJ
“Love and serve the Lord and those around you!”
My name is Cornelia, I am from Romania and I am an FCJ sister since September 2008. I first thought about religious life when I was only 8 or 9 years old. I did not give too much importance to it then, but the idea came back into my mind from time to time.
The adventure with the FCJ Sisters begun in 1998, when I left my village to study Nursing in Bucharest and was one of the four students receiving accommodation with the FCJ Sisters. I lived with the sisters for three years but I never thought that one day I will say Yes to joining them.
The questions ‘Which is my way? What is God desire for me?’ were present in my heart and after finishing my studies these question become stronger. At that same time I did not want to postpone them, but I did not want either to make a mistake, since I desired absolutely to do God`s will by my choice.
The desire for a greater freedom in order to love, to serve and be a companion to Jesus and those around me pushed me to consider seriously religious life.
It was after much searching, reflecting and discerning that I was able to say ‘It is really possible that God could call me to FCJ life` and I knew from that moment that the source of my happiness was in Jesus. I was very happy for God`s call and I abandoned myself to his plan and his will, I strongly believed that God had chosen me already.
The freedom I live in many aspects of my life as an FCJ is what inspires me every day to be a companion for those I meet on my journey; to love and serve.

Gloria, fcJ
Hello. My name is Gloria and I joined the FCJ Sisters in 1974, after having qualified as a Primary teacher. Most of my ministry has been with small children but for nine years I have been in London as local leader of the formation and hospitality community at Somers Town, during which time I volunteered at a drop-in centre in King’s Cross set up by the Sisters of Mercy called Women@theWell. Working with vulnerable women, offering massage, art and craft activities or simply befriending has been a great learning experience and a real privilege. This year I have been on sabbatical and it has been wonderful! I followed a course at the Dominican Ecology Farm in Wicklow and it has been great to have the gift of time….to be with people, to be with self, to reflect on the learnings of the year and to prepare for a new challenge, as I pack my bags again and set off for our community in Belgium. The other day I was at the vow ceremony of one of our novices and it reminded me of the commitment I have made – to go wherever God calls and to be ready for anything!

Catherine fcJ
Called to be a Faithful Companion of Jesus gives me a great sense of belonging to the Body of the Society. I have always drawn strength from this.
I have been captivated by Jesus through the inspiration and charism of Marie Madeleine.
I have been challenged, gently, strongly, consistently to struggle to become the empty vessel, ready and available for what ever the Lord wants. I desire to thirst for the thirst of Jesus.
The call to the Magis keeps me a searching pilgrim experiencing the agony and the ecstasy.
In all this I am inspired and encouraged by the strong bonds of companionship shared with those who follow this same call.
Jesus, my Companion, is for me Dieu de mon coeur.

Clare, fcJ
Being an FCJ…
…is to be totally in love with God and with Jesus Christ, the living face of God
…is to want to spend my life in loving God, in loving for God, in loving with God
and in making God known to others
…is to discover my own longing to serve God in the longing of Marie Madeleine,
and to see my vision, my dreams in hers
…is to live and pray and serve with my FCJ sisters – wherever, whenever and with whoever needs us.
Being an FCJ is being Clare, is being alive, is my life
…my yesterdays, today and tomorrow—my always, my everything.

Bing, fcJ
To be a Faithful Companion of Jesus means, to constantly renew and deepen my faith in God through daily Mass, to let the Holy Eucharist be the centre of my life as I carry on the mission entrusted by the Society. The words of Jesus in the last part of the consecration “Do this in memory of Me” ignite my heart to go out from my comfort zone, facing my outer world with courage, with deep conviction that the universe is my home and that everyone is interconnected and interdependent.
I develop a pattern of nurturing my personal relationship with God through my personal prayer, reflection, examination of conscience, recollections, and retreats, and also through uniting myself with Marie Madeleine’s experienced of the “I Thirst” of Jesus in my day to day life and valuing our Ignatian spirituality.
I receive countless blessings and I believe that the persons I come across in my ongoing journey as an FCJ are God’s gift because through them I am able to create companionship regardless of age, culture, race and colour of the skin.
Finally, to be a Faithful Companion of Jesus does not end in making vows of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience. Rather it is a continuous commitment of saying yes to God’s call to be on mission, to be a companion, to be a nurturer, and to believe that I am in that heart of God rather than God is in my heart. It is only in living my day to day yes to God that I can be part in the building of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Margaret Mary, fcJ (RIP)
As I reflect on my life as a faithful companion of Jesus I am moved by the faithfulness and unconditional love of God which has sustained and enriched me over sixty years.
From my earliest years I wanted to give my life to God and so, when I answered God’s call, my Novitiate formation confirmed me in my great desires to share Jesus’ mission of bringing the knowledge and love of God to the world.
The words to give and not to count the cost were like a clarion call to me. I always saw myself as a missionary, be it in the local area or in a foreign land.
Daily prayer and the Eucharist have been the source of inner strength and fidelity in good times and in difficulties, in sorrows and in joys.
In community I have been encouraged and supported by the companionship, care and love of my Sisters while their zest for life and their missionary endeavours have been an inspiration. I loved my involvement with people in the work of teaching and administration, and in recent years, I have appreciated the opportunity to support and give hope to asylum seekers in our country.
I have received much from our Society and have tried to give much in return … It has been a challenging, and integrated life of sharing, receiving and giving God’s gifts of peace, joy and healing with those journeying with me.
For all that has been I thank a loving God. Now, new FCJ members, and new apostolic works are bringing hope for the future.

Audrey, fcJ
Hello! I’m Audrey, fcJ. Since leaving my native Singapore and joining the FCJ Society in 2014, I have lived on three different islands, learnt two new languages, and experienced a diversity of cultures. Living interculturally is challenging, but has enriched me in so many ways. I have been privileged to meet inspiring people from different walks of life, and work with them on issues of justice and peace.
Even more interesting than this unexpected outer journey, though, has been the surprising journey inwards. Part of my ministry now involves discovering new ways to speak about God and our inner journeys in the rapidly changing world we find ourselves in today. To this end I have started a blog that seeks to open conversations about our shared search for meaning in life. Do join in the conversation here! surprising-grace.blogspot.com.

Bernadetta, fcJ
Sr Bernardetta is from Italy but lives in Paris, in the house where our foundress Marie Madeleine lived and died. Bernadetta is a creative artist as she works on handmade shawls. This method makes a lovely and unusual pattern while still using the basic crochet skills. She learned how do do them from Sr. Marietta R.I. P., and when Sr MaryAnne was in Paris for a Novitiate experience, Bernadetta taught her how to do this particular kind of crochet. The skill passes down to the next generation of FCJs!
In her hand Bernardetta has a crochet hook and a frame on which she works. She makes the band first and stresses how important it is to keep counting always to know which way to move the strand of wool.
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